Routine Interruption

More and more I’m seeing the benefit of breaking routine. Which may seem heretical in this age of productivity.

But when you vary the sensory diet you’re feeding your brain, body, and soul, your output changes.

You notice new things. You feel new things. You think of new things. You do new things.

You stop obsessing over whatever problems are in front of you and you change the station for a little while. This is often when solutions will just come to you out of the blue, because you’ve given yourself space from your daily worries, and your head gets into a better state of mind to come up with aha moments all on its own. (This is the same reason people get great ideas in the shower. They’re relaxed and NOT trying to think themselves into an answer).

Small changes to routine can be enough. Eat something different than your normal lunch. Walk around the block after dinner instead of sitting on the couch. Drive a different way to work. Take your client session while walking outside instead of sitting at a desk.

Just spice it up.

See what happens.

Catherine Ferguson