2 minute social time

Sometimes what you have is exactly what you need

And sometimes it takes a few tries to spell ‘sometimes’ correctly

Today I drove a friend home from PreK morning drop off. 

The drive is approximately 1 minute and 15 seconds. 

But during that time, she told me about her son colliding with another child and getting his teeth knocked in. I gave her the 15 second version of when something similar happened to my son. We agreed that movies in theaters are entirely too long for our 4 year olds.  We commiserated that she has to miss our upcoming podcast club meeting because of a business trip, but that she’ll be at the next one. And we confirmed that 12 and a half minute workouts snuck in during the day is the only way exercise has a chance in hell of happening.  

All told, we were together for 2 minutes, maybe less. 

But we were together. We connected. We were witnessed. 

Sometimes 2 minutes is all you have. 

And sometimes it’s just what you need. 

Catherine FergusonComment