May 2024 Mini Mastermind

May 2024 Mini Mastermind


Join Creative Colleagues for a mini mastermind at the Center for Entrepreneurship at Monmouth University on Tuesday May 21st from 10:00am - 12:30pm. This mini-mastermind is a structured event where each attendee will have the opportunity to workshop a topic they’d like help on. You’ll leave with new ideas, inspiration and energy to take action on your next steps.

This event has a 12 person maximum.

sold out

Date, Time and Place:

Tuesday, May 21st, 2024, 10:00am - 12:30pm

The Center for Entrepreneurship at Monmouth University, West Long Branch, NJ

About the Mini Mastermind

As creatives, passion-project pursuers and entrepreneurs, we are often creating in isolation.

This event is designed to connect you with other creative minds so you can get real advice, support and inspiration for your real questions, challenges and ideas.

Event schedule:

  • 10:00 - 10:30am - Arrival and introductions

  • 10:30 - 12:00pm - Mastermind Rounds

  • 12:00 - 12:30pm - Open networking and conversation


  • The purpose of a mastermind is to give space for its members to trade ideas, experiences and perspectives. Typically, mastermind groups meet over the course of weeks or months on a regular basis. Our mini-mastermind event is designed to concentrate on the exchange of feedback within a single, dynamic hour.

    Here’s what to expect during the mastermind rounds:

    Small Group Setting: You will be part of a small, intimate group consisting of just 4 members. This setup is designed to foster quality interactions and provide personalized feedback.

    Spotlight Session: Each participant will have a dedicated 15-minute spotlight session. This is your time to present your 'ask'—whether it’s seeking advice, brainstorming solutions, or simply getting encouragement to move forward.

    Group Brainstorming: After presenting your 'ask', the rest of your group will engage in a focused brainstorming session. They will offer their insights, advice, and perspectives to help you tackle your challenge.

  • Focus on the Presenter: Keep the conversation centered on the presenter’s specific request for feedback. This ensures everyone’s challenges get the attention they deserve.

    Be Concise: Share your feedback succinctly and directly. Avoid long personal anecdotes that stray from the main discussion.

    Encourage Balance: If you tend to dominate conversations, consciously pause to give others space to contribute. Conversely, if you usually prefer listening, take the initiative to share your insights too.

    Active Participation: Challenge yourself to contribute to the conversation, whether by offering insights or asking clarifying questions to better understand the presenter’s situation.

  • Of course. Networking happens by default at a Creative Colleagues event. You’ll have the opportunity to really connect with your group members during the mini mastermind rounds as you hear about and discuss your businesses and projects. There will also be time following the mastermind rounds for open discussion and networking with all event attendees.

  • No. This event is open to any and all.

What people are saying

I loved getting other people’s opinions on my business because every day is so one-sided for me. I can’t see anything other than what I’m focused on and I get caught up in doing the same thing over and over. I’m walking away feeling reassured that I’m on the right track
Being able to connect with others and have feedback/advice in person in real time was so great. It can be isolating as a solo entrepreneur. Having other people to bounce ideas off of and receive feedback from is so helpful. It gave me a lot of motivation and I got right to work the next day on the advice I received.
It felt like a real creative immersive experience.
— Faith